Simple requests
Thank you all very much. We have received so much in the way of support, both online and off. After many questions about what people can do for us, the answer finally drifted forward into my mind. There really isn't anything you can do for us. We miss him, and we will mourn him, and we will remember him. There are, however, things you can do for you and this is as good a reason as any to do it now instead of another time. Take a moment, today, tomorrow, sometime to interrupt your usual routine. Take a step back and dwell on the things you cherish, think on the things you take for granted, and then decide on something you can do for ~them~ while they are here. If I have learned nothing else from all of this, it is to take the time to enjoy what you do have, instead of pine for that you do not. So if you want to do something for us, do something for those around you to let them know. Oh and give your dogs a hug and a treat too, whether it be a biscuit, a walk, or even the precious forkful of cake. That is all I ask.
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