Thursday, July 20, 2006

Lost & Found

Not the semi-present repository of items you misplaced that you hope someone else didn't claim... I'm talking about direction. MY direction. On this blog as well as in life. I had drifted away from my original direction here and into canine land which, if you noticed, is covered more than sufficiently by my loverly wife. After realizing that the majority of my work had become focused on my dogs, and that it was already taken care of, I spun off into a lack of direction. Without direction, I wasn't sure where to reinsert observations, so I did what anyone else in my situation would do. I made it up. I punted. I faked, feigned, and fudged my way to here. Possibly even begged, borrowed, and outright stole ideas. Thanks Lid and James.

As for the life part... it's a slightly longer story. The short part of it is, that I have turned in my two week notice and turned my sights to another opportunity. Apparently the investors were unhappy as the company's stock (STST) dropped $1.48 on the news of my imminent departure. (I am OBVIOUSLY joking. For those of you who don't actually know me. Which shouldn't be anyone reading this...) I will at a later date (say... 2 weeks+) perhaps talk about some of the reasons I chose a new path, but not today.

On a side note, Yahoo horoscopes have been playing havoc with me lately. Almost to the paranoid self-delusion that they were tapping my phone or my house. For example, let's hypothetically say that earlier this week I went to a new restaurant with James and Clara. Let's call this ficticious restaurant "Tijuana Flats". On the very same day, Yahoo 'scopes said "...or perhaps you'll go try a new restaurant." Now... I've only ever looked at them for fun, but after a week where they hit dead on, I was getting a little paranoid. Ok, so I'm always a little paranoid, but it was still freaky. At least if I had gone to a place like the said restaurant, I'd know not to play hide-and-seek...

In another upcoming blog-venture, I will be detailing the destruction and subsequent remodeling of my half-bath, as attempted (and completed) by the heretofore untested wife. I'll just give a few teasers: Spackle, electricity, and split pea explosion.
Teaser PHOTO:

Until next time,
"Shoot for the moon. Even if you miss you'll end up in the stars."
-Les Brown

Edit: 2308 EST
Found a much better quote for the current circumstances...
"Taking a new step... is what people fear most."


At 10:26 PM, Blogger TheDoberwoman said...

Well it's about time you blogged about ~something~!!! ;)

At 10:30 PM, Blogger The Dogfather said...

Yeah, yeah, yeah. It was still less than a month!!

At 11:37 PM, Blogger JamesF said...


Is that a word?

"Shoot for the moon. Even if you miss you'll end up in the stars."

Spoken by someone who doesn't understand the concept of gravity.

At 7:44 AM, Blogger The Dogfather said...

There at the bottom.

At 10:33 AM, Blogger Scott said...

Dude, it stinks to see you go. Really.

At 12:13 PM, Blogger The Dogfather said...

Really? Usually people say there's a distinct LACK of odor when I leave a room...

I'm not exactly happy about leaving, and I will miss (almost) everyone a great deal.


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