Sunday, June 04, 2006

Think you've got it rough?

Well I've been at the video clips again, and no James, it's not dogs on agility equipment (although I'm getting close to the amount of footage I want of that to splice together...). This is just under a minute and it's a collection of Boris getting out and about on his three legs. He would be going faster in most of them, but we hold him back with the harness. =)

I'm continually amazed at how he's figured out what to do for things like stairs, in and out of the car, and most of all wrestle time with Roxie. He manages to rear up on his hind legs and swat at her before landing. He'd be tough to beat in a rough game of jacks. (except for that no opposable thumb thing.)


At 12:19 PM, Blogger Scott said...

I had no idea you had a three legged dog. I bet that front leg gets really muscular. You can see how much exertion he/she puts on it. It's amazing how adaptable dogs are!

Great video!

At 10:28 PM, Blogger The Dogfather said...

Thanks Scott!
Yeah he's doing pretty well overall, and yes his front leg has gotten fairly beefy. Good enough to eat!


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