Sunday, May 28, 2006

Back from Hiatus

Well I took a week off of writing for vacation, and then extended it through my several days of training, which extended again through blah blah blah. I'm sure James never thought I'd post again! Well ha ha ha, he was WRONG! (and his grammar is bad too).

Lost's ending was excellent, however I'm left with one major question that I really want to know. It's not about the status of Locke or Eko.... nor Walt and Michael (I personally hope they are not back next season... they were beginning to annoy me)... not even Kate or Jack or Sawyer... I want to know how the heck Penelope knew to watch for what she had them watching for, or is that just another Lost 'coincidence'?

I'm still debating about whether or not I'm going to get the DVDs for season 1 and 2 (when 2 comes out that is). I like the show alot (and I dont' watch much tv, not like James certainly) but don't know if I'd watch them again and take the notes that I'm sure I would if I were to watch them again. Perhaps a good sale will sway me... But for now I am ready to watch Cowboy Bebop over the summer. It's an Animae series about bounty hunters in space, and that's about the most lackluster description of the series I could possibly put together. It's a compelling story interlaced with dark turmoil and light humor, yes it is a cartoon, but it's a GOOD cartoon. If you decide to watch it, watch in Japanese with English subtitles, otherwise the storyline changes too much and it goes from a great show to mediocre. Just as with the movie "Fist of Legend". Another movie I loved in it's original language and found tedious when dubbed into Enlgish. Jet Li is a fantastic martial artist, and this shows a wide range of styles. I blame my old roommate (MattK) for my interest in both.

While I'm reviewing movies...
Da vinci code. Saw it. Liked it. Thought Ron did a great job keeping it close to the book. Yes, it's not ALL there, you can't put an entire novel in a movie. However the "feel" of the book translated well. And I agree with the critics, it is a dark and sometimes dreary movie - but so is the BOOK! No there aren't 80 mph car chases, no 15 minute action sequences with 5,000 rounds fired, and (almost) no nudity/sex, but there is a good translation of the story. Hopefully I'll get to see X3 (despite the tepid reviews) in the next few days.

Things to look forward to:
Acquiring footage of the little canine working her agility equipment.
Composing a short movie of the dogs on the beach (mostly to show how the tripod manages on things like sand...)
An end to world hunger. (ok I don't have the answer, but ya gotta think SOMEDAY we'll figure something out...)



At 5:54 AM, Blogger Scott said...

He is alive! ALIVE!!!!!!

At 8:21 AM, Blogger JamesF said...

Ok, I admit I never thought we were going to see this update again.

For Lost, it's possible that Penelope's father is involved with the Hanso corporation, and that he father set up Desmond (via Libby) to go to the island. If all that's the case, then Penelope could have found out and after learning a bit about the island could have known what to look for.

I would say Cowboy Beebop is probably the single best anime series that's been done to date. And I agree you need to watch it subtitled (or in Japanese with no subtitles if you know Japanese).

At 5:17 PM, Blogger JamesF said...

Oh yea, as far as Michael and Walt go, I think they're done. The writers were having issues with the fact that it had only been 60 days on the island but Walt appears to be two years older than when they crashed (that's rhe reason he was 'taken' in the first place). That's the problem with using kid actors on a slow serial show.


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