Friday, January 12, 2007

Drivin Miss Crazy

Yep it's one of those posts.
So it took me 20 minutes to go 2 miles today.
"Was it a big accident?", you ask.
 No.  No accident, not even a fender bender. 
"Oh then the volume was heavy." 
 Nope.  Normal (actually it might have even been a little lighter than usual) amounts of people on the road. 
"Bad road conditions? Ice,rain?"
 Not hardly.
Simply it was the annoying phenomenon known as friggin' idiots... I mean... rubbernecking.  There was 1, that's right ~1~ car pulled over on the (4 lane) road, I think it was a Taurus, but I don't know as I was trying to just drive unlike the 500 other thought-challenged subhumans surrounding me like a great sea of ineptitude.  Now, the big show stopper for this one, must've been the fact that there were ~2~ police vehicles attending to one car.  Which of course means that it was a drug bust, or they had finally caught the MS-13 gang leader.  (Who was hiding REALLY well in a Taurus, though I think it was gold....)  And no, neither the driver no any passengers (if there even were any) were out of the vehicle.  Completely boring, no activity, yet somehow it cost me time that I will never get back.  So to everyone out there that slowed themselves (and everyone behind them) down, to look at... NOTHING, thank you.  Those of us trying to drive hope you enjoyed yourself, and we look forward to going .5 mph sometime again in the near future.
I know, you're prolly saying, "But Ken!  Don't you slow down and look at accidents and stuff too??"
And I would have to say, yes, that on occasion I have slowed down (as much as the person in front of me) to catch a glimpse,  like of the burning truck whilst on the way to a wedding... but at least that was... SOMETHING.  The only time I slow down for someone pulled over, is if the officer may not have enough space to get out, and I can't change lanes to provide it.  Though the vehicle on fire was admitedly interesting.  Had I not been on the way to a friend's wedding, I would have pulled over to watch.  And that's just it.  I don't care if you wanna watch or find out what's going on, I do too.  Just pull over and let the rest of us get on with it.
And finally.... to the lady putting on makeup while talking on the phone, AND intermittantly drinking her 'bucks.... please try to keep at least one limb on the wheel as you risk all of our safety.  (And you might want to rethink the eyeshadow color, you're not a summer....)


At 12:03 PM, Blogger JamesF said...

Woo Hoo! Scorn is back baby!

I do have to ask why you're posting at 10 AM though, since I thought you couldn't do stuff like this at work.

Also, while the rubbernecking can be annoying, isn't it possible that originally there was an accident (hence multiple police cars) and that it was mostly cleared up by the time you finally got there (since by your own admission it took a considerable amount of time).

In general, I agree that rubbernecking is a bad thing. There was a comedian once that compared it cheetahs catching gazelles. If a cheetah takes down a gazelle from the pack, the other gazelles don't stop and go "Oh look, he caught Bob." No, then keep running as fast as possible.

What's worse though is the sympathy toll. Where you have to slow down because something happened on the other side of a divided highway. At least if it's on your side of the road I can understand potentially blocking traffic.

At 12:55 PM, Blogger The Dogfather said...

1st answer... email posting b/c I was still mad.

And there was no sign of any kind of accident at all (in my albeit short scan of the environment). And in the cursory overview the car appeared to be in fine condition.

So... prolly just a speeder.

At 1:24 PM, Blogger JamesF said...

KennyG: And in the cursory overview the car appeared to be in fine condition.

So you were able to look at the car closely enough to determine it did not appear to have been in an accident. This is sounding suspiciously like you're ranting against yourself.

At 4:50 PM, Blogger bahnsidthe said...

Good thing JamesF would *never* post during work. Oh sure, lunch hour - I get it, but still "at work". Well, since our boss and his closest cronies (smootchie smootchie) smoke every effing 1/2 hour, Ken G was just taking a "smoke break" to post.

Ah yes, an opening for blog o' scorn for man hours lost to "nails" in a department that checks on people about every 5 minutes (luckily Ken G and I are not in this dept). Blog o' scorn anyone?

At 9:31 PM, Blogger Scott said...

All you guys sound like a bunch of crotchety old geezers. Who forgot to take their Geritol this morning??

At 1:32 PM, Blogger Scott said...

I guess this blog is in stasis...

Saw you at Argon today... but didn't get to say hi. I was with customers.

At 5:11 AM, Blogger Scott said...

Good to see you back in the orifice. So is this blog officially RIP with Beans and Rice? ;-)

At 8:03 AM, Blogger The Dogfather said...

I am on blog hiatus at the moment. I didn't have anything I wanted to share and/or rant about. I suspect that will change soon. Perhaps it's just the winter weather. I hate that.


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