Tuesday, October 03, 2006


So somewhere along the way I managed to pick up what appears to be the flu, and in my usual "sharing is caring" manner, have also given it to the wife. It all started with sweats before going to bed on Sunday, only to be rudely awakened at 3:30 in the morning with some projectile puking. I won't get into any further gross details, but the whole body aching and general malaise I (for the first time in I don't even know how long) had an entire day with no computing. Not even to check stocks or email. You know it's a bad day when I have access to multiple machines nearby, and still don't touch 'em. It's also a bad day if the only things I have to eat were a half a banana at 9PM, and 1 bottle of gatorade throughout the day (and a little water). All of which pretty much did not wish to remain with me for very long. Hopefully the aches, pains, and other stuff will finish their tour with me (and the wife) today. The only weird thing with this illness that I haven't seen before is that there are parts (calves, side, and others) that are simply sore to the touch. As in it hurts to touch or rub them, and not in a "I just ran 2 miles and my legs ache" kind of sore, but more of an "ouch! Quit it!" way.

After watching all that Lost, I want to inscribe the doors with the word Quarantine.


At 1:38 PM, Blogger bahnsidthe said...

P'raps Lost made you sick. Or not. We "Others" were able to muddle along without you, here at "the Island", for the last 2 days. Don't forget to push the button....

At 11:09 AM, Blogger swtrble said...

I hope you are feeling better :o) Enjoy your show tonight.


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