Friday, September 08, 2006


Yeah yeah, another one of ~those~ blog entries...

Today's topic is sheeple. Or the tendency of humans to be like sheep. Well perhaps not JUST the sheeple aspect of behavior, but the often dichotomous pairings we possess. It often perplexes me about human behavior that we can simultaneously want to be part of the herd AND not be like anyone else. So we can ALL be unique, just like everyone else. I don't think I'm above these tendencies or anything before you suspect me of pulling out a soap box, it's more of an observation. Throughout my life, even the people who have, in my opinion, emerged as leaders only seem to do so in one aspect of their life. While outside of their leadership role they have gone to great lengths to be regarded as nothing different from their peer group, either consciously or not the efforts were at times extreme.

I think we as humans are both fantastically complex and yet astoundingly simple, depending on the context, and since I don't believe we are capable of truly grasping what "human" is with our current brainpower (due to the complexity of what makes a person) we only ever get an understanding "in context". So while we may take brief snapshots and glimpses of our fellow inhabitants of this planet, we may never understand them fully. That does not mean we shouldn't try, any knowledge gained is a step in the right direction.

Perhaps if we could truly understand what it is to be human, we might have a way to truly discover peace. But that leads me to another topic of "would we enjoy peace if we actually had it?" Does happiness mean anything to someone that has never been sad? How would they know? They have nothing to compare it to. This should be a topic for another day...


At 8:14 AM, Blogger Scott said...

Speaking of peace, I think the good Dr. King put it best:

"If we are to have peace on earth ... our loyalties must transcend our race, our tribe, our class, and our nation; and this means we must develop a world perspective. No individual can live alone, no nation can live alone, and as long as we try, the more we are going to have war in this world. We must either learn to live together as brothers or we are all going to perish together as fools."

-- Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., 1967

At 9:10 AM, Blogger The Dogfather said...

Full marks to Scott.


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