Tuesday, August 15, 2006


So good news on two fronts of the war on wireless. The new AP is very nice and very fast (the old one was limited to B, now I have B&G so the lappy is happy). The TiVos can connect and get their programming info, so that side is great. And the laptop has internet again! Apparently the version of wireless controls I'm running now requires you to manually input the entire security string instead of the abbreviated one as before. Slightly annoying, but I'll take the hit for even a modicum of a security increase. Still not sure what James did (since the connection stopped working in the MIDDLE of a browsing session), but he's off the hook. Not off the hook as in "YO man! That party was OFF DA HOOK!" but no longer going to get the evil eye from me, and I'll put the voodoo doll away. (Hope your knee feels better James. It wasn't me.) This also means that I will finally be able to install the "guest" PC upstairs and hook it up with the mini-usb wireless adapter. As a geek I will be proud to finally have web-surfing available on every floor in the house! (My wife however, may not be as pleased. *grin*)

I am slightly unhappy by the news I came across as I was leaving work today... My boss' boss told us no jeans. (I had asked him about Aloha Friday.) He went on to say "no shorts either", to which I replied, "Well... I guess that rules out the 'no pants' option then too, huh?" He was not expecting that answer, but gave a hearty chuckle and assured me that pants were, in fact, required. I wonder what his feelings on kilts are...

And on an unrelated note...
If you're the kind of person that occasionally puts their foot in their mouth (*cough* James *cough*), now they have JUST the shoe for you!

This is a 100% edible shoe, made by my pastry-chef friend, Kim. I think it's actually like a size 19 or something, but she might be able to make you a pair in something closer to your own size. (And maybe even a more masculine color, not that there is anything wrong with pink shoes!)

Ok I have no other completely random segues, so... ciao.


At 7:50 PM, Blogger JamesF said...

No jeans? That's a deal breaker.

At 7:51 PM, Blogger The Dogfather said...

I'm sure she could make a pair of jeans. Possibly even a white belt to go with them. *grin*

At 1:51 AM, Blogger JamesF said...

I meant about the workplace.

At 3:32 PM, Blogger The Dogfather said...

Now I gotcha. Well I think the jeans thing, may not be heavily enforced, since one of the other people in our group was wearing them today... in a meeting with the Director...


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