Monday, August 07, 2006

Friday fun fades to Monday mayhem

Well first... some images from last week (Friday).

I'm not sure if Jason was trying to bob for tortilla chips, or showing off his massive jaw strength, or possibly just practicing his "jazz fingers", but it amused me anyway.

Not sure who the guy behind him is. Perhaps he's the tortilla supervisor to ensure no chips were harmed in the making of the pic...

And while Jason seems to be reveling in my departure (I know you're not J, I'm just playin'.) here's someone that seems... well... less than pleased. And with good reason. My boss (ok ~former~ boss, fine JAMES!) Roy, certainly seems to be saying, "No. Really. You should stay. Stay. Please don't leave me to the godless hordes!" Ok maybe the last one was a little over the top, but if I thought there was a way to effect the changes needed any other way than leaving... then I would still be there. Hopefully Roy's 4.5 week (upcoming) vacation will be the rest he needs! I'm jealous, I'd love to truck across the country in a rolling hotel! Reno indeed!

and Friday rolls into Monday...

No pics to post from it, because they do not allow recording devices of the audio or visual kind in the building. Longest orientation ever. Even freshman year orientation gave you a break for lunch. Ours was spent waiting in line to submit half of the 61 page HR documents sent out earlier, then waiting in line to get badge pictures taken. (I REALLY should have gotten around to that haircut on Sunday...) Somewhere in between we were supposed to have grabbed a bag lunch off a table (I was lucky I got turkey, the chicken salad, and tuna salad ones didn't look so good to me, but others thought they were fine...) and somehow eat your lunch while filling out even more forms and surveys. I'm amazed I didn't get soda/mustard/sandwich crumbs all over the forms, but there's a first time for everything.

My friend Ken was there too (another Ken, yes I know), and someone with his same first and last name was there too... 42 people in orientation... 2 with the same name. Go figure. 4 Kens in the class. 4! 10% with same first name, I just found that odd... for ANY name.

Mostly I'm just tired now. This whole thing still feels surreal. Perhaps actually reporting to a new job tomorrow will drive it home. Perhaps I will continue to be lost in my own little fantasy (is)land. ("Boss! Boss! De plane! De plane!!") I'll show up tomorrow and Mr. Rourke will greet me with a tropical drink in a coconut, and tell me he's my host, and welcome. Or... maybe I'll show up and have another set of paperwork...
Odds on favorite for the paperwork.


At 10:07 PM, Blogger JamesF said...

Yea, but will your new work computer have speakers?

At 6:13 AM, Blogger Scott said...

If you're Tatoo, and Mr. Rourke comes up to you, it's probably you that has to clean up someone else's coconuts.

Welcome to the new job!

At 11:07 AM, Blogger JamesF said...

Tatoo cleaning Mr Rourke's coconuts. Now there's a mental image I didn't need or want.

At 4:01 PM, Blogger JamesF said...

Wait, I just realized, you got yet another free lunch?

At 6:05 PM, Blogger The Dogfather said...

My new computer will have speakers (when it shows up), but won't be on the internet.

Awww man! I'm telling Mr. Rourke... Scooter messed up my fantasy!

And James... Ewwwww. What is it with you and little people anyway?? If there's not a rodeo-clown-midget you're just not happy.

And where did I get another free lunch? I paid for lunch on friday. ROY bought the snacky goodness stuff.


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