Wednesday, September 05, 2007

Seeing Red

Just a short sharing/question from musings on my way home today. I noticed two separate drivers today, both were redheaded and driving red cars. One male in red convertible and one female in a red Jeep Wrangler. This is not the first time I've seen this phenomenon, though perhaps the first two sightings so close together. Why do I seem to see a disproportionate amount of redheads with red and/or orange cars? Come to think of it, most of the ones I know also wear alot of red and orange. I mean... you don't see blond people all driving yellow cars, or black haired folks in black cars (well... ok you do, but statistically I think it is within the norms), or brown haired folks in brown cars. It just strikes me as odd. I wonder, perhaps due to the uncommon color of their hair, they wind up tying some of their identity into the color itself, and are thusly drawn to it. Then again, perhaps it is just idle wanderings on a somewhat boring drive home. Of course, I'll take boring to "accident riddled" in my commute ANY day.


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