Monday, August 14, 2006

Wireless, Finger pointing, and a sick lion

We'll start with the fun. (Yes, that's the finger pointing!)
James, who had recently stopped by and used my laptop, clicked something somewhere which caused the wireless connection on the laptop to cease functioning. (James is known by many to possess a technological "Touch of Death". Think Midas, but instead of gold it turns to crap, and it only activates when interacting with something electronic. Fortunately it's mostly only to his own gadgets, but occasionally it affects others.) To be fair, the wireless at my house has been a wee bit unsteady for a while, and I have suspected a failing or unhappy wireless router, and I'm also not happy about running a wireless high speed router (with the routing turned off) on top of a wired router. So maybe this was the perfect excuse to go out and pick up a regular Access Point. Too tired to install it tonight, especially if even something small goes wrong. (Besides the TiVos are downloading new channel content!) If this doesn't fix it, then I will beat James with the laptop and the old wireless router. (just kidding, James.)

And since that was possibly the least exciting thing I've posted (well.. except for the rice and beans blog, but we won't go there!) I'm making it another fable!
Today's Lesson is titled:

The Sick Lion

A Lion, unable from old age and infirmities to provide himself
with food by force, resolved to do so by artifice. He returned
to his den, and lying down there, pretended to be sick, taking
care that his sickness should be publicly known. The beasts
expressed their sorrow, and came one by one to his den, where the
Lion devoured them. After many of the beasts had thus
disappeared, the Fox discovered the trick and presenting himself
to the Lion, stood on the outside of the cave, at a respectful
distance, and asked him how he was. "I am very middling,"
replied the Lion, "but why do you stand without? Pray enter
within to talk with me." "No, thank you," said the Fox. "I
notice that there are many prints of feet entering your cave, but
I see no trace of any returning."

It is suggested that the original meaning was something akin to:
"He is wise who is warned by the misfortunes of others."

Best I could come up with was:
If you're going to be a serial killer and eat your victims, pay close attention to removing evidence!

If you're going to take everyone out... Take out the Fox (or most clever adversary) first.

I like that one better.


At 11:59 PM, Blogger JamesF said...

Oh please. The only time I have problems with electronics is when I buy used crap from Ken(C). And I learned my lesson not to do that anymore. I have had a few things (what, 4 hard drives, a video card, three motherboards) just give up the ghost, but that hardly qualifies as it being related to me.

At 6:02 PM, Blogger The Dogfather said...

Well... in my time (I suppose considerably less than yours) working with computers (personally owned that is, corporate assets are another entry unto themselves), I have had 1 video card go wonky, which was quickly repaired by replacing the cooling fan on the board (the fan went bad, not the card). So I'm essentially at 0%. What's your crash percentage?

*evil grin*
(of course now saying this, I am now destined for a crash of epic proportion)

Oh and you forgot to add "KennyG's Laptop" to your list!

At 7:49 PM, Blogger JamesF said...

I think you've proven the laptop wasn't my fault.

At 7:53 PM, Blogger The Dogfather said...

I don't think I have. I imagine if I went back and changed a few settings it would work with the old router. I'm still blaming you regardless of the evidence. You need a better PR department. Maybe the ones claiming victory over in the middle east....


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