Thursday, April 13, 2006

The first of many secret shames

Survivor. Yes, I watch it. I watch every episode. I have a season pass on my TiVo. I'm not proud, it just is. Frankly I blame my wife. I never watched before I knew her, and had no plans to start. I had lumped all "reality" tv into one big glop of goo that I had no intention of watching. And now... it's like a car wreck. I know it's bad, I know some of it's staged or at least contrived... but I ~have~ to look. The people I want to win the game almost never even make it to the final four, and the people I don't want to see even in the background somehow make it to the end. It's a lot like life in that respect I suppose. Looking around I see people advancing in the world that lack honor, loyalty, and in some cases even a decent personality. Lagging behind those "winners" I see those that have character, are good people, and generally are at least non-toxic to others people. This is not a universal or all encompassing occurence, only that it happens more often than not which is more often than I think it should. I guess it's just the adult version of the games one learns to play in high school.

But back to Survivor... it's Thursday so it's on tonight, and those that get voted off now come back as jury members. Every week I keep hoping it's Shane, Cerie, or whats-her-name-fire-dancer-girl (Courtney- yes I had to go look it up).

Cerie I've wanted to see gone since the first episode and I can't believe she's still around. I mean... why would you go on Survivor if you're afraid of leaves?!

Shane - He's just insane. How nuts do you have to be, to be a 3 pack a day smoker (ok that's crazy enough in and of itself) that quits the day Survivor starts? I am surprised that he too has managed to be around this long....

Courtney - something about her interactions and attitudes... she exemplifies the self-absorbed personality that drives me nuts. Not surprised she's still around, but hope she gets voted out soon!

Unfortunately I think it's Sally's turn to go. She was nice enough, but unless there's a big shakeup... she's done.

Terry, I really like him. Retired fighter pilot, good character, excellent leader. The kind of guy you'd ~want~ to be stuck on an island with. Which means he'll be out before the 4 unless he pulls every single immunity challenge out of his... well his something. Go get 'em Terry!

All I can say is that they must have an excellent group of editors for the show, because they manage to steer the people and the show into a variety of directions that seem to sometimes be at odds with the individuals' personalities. Good editing indeed.

I still wonder what it's REALLY like on the show. Though I've mostly given up on the idea of ever making it to the show (as James says I'm "too normal"), the idea of being on a vacation for that long even those conditions seems relaxing. Plus free mind games to people you're not beholden to for anything. Sure sounds like fun.

This is enough musings for now. Maybe there will be more, maybe not.

The Dogfather.


At 11:39 AM, Blogger JamesF said...

And you say you're not prolific.

At 2:32 AM, Blogger The Dogfather said...

I never said I wasn't verbose, just won't have as MANY posts as you. Assuming of course I dont' become addicted like you are.


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